I choose to be simple because simplicity comes abundance. 

There have been moments in my life when I’ve been into earthly things – a nice car, a mansion, more money, the latest gadgets… the list goes on. But my journey has taken me to this point where I am no lonbetter-to-be-simpleger crave these things and the most important thing for me is to reach out and help people be the same.

What does it mean to be simple?

Does it mean forgoing all luxuries in life? Does it mean settling for the dry custard cake even when you can afford the blueberry cheese cake? Does it mean throwing out your wardrobe of signature clothes and replacing it with clothes off the rack? Being simple means knowing when you have enough. In effect, there are less worries revolving around material things – stuff that you shouldn’t be stressing about in the first place – and more time that can be dedicated to the good of the world, creating in you a sense of purpose and excitement.

Also, knowing you have enough brings forth a feeling of abundance.

To summarize:

Simplicity = having enough = less worries and more time to do good = contentment = a sense of purpose and excitement = Abundance

But how about the poor? How can they reach the feeling of abundance when they don’t have enough? Abundance is living the life you want to live. This cannot be found in material possessions. This cannot be measured by the money you earn. Take this for example: a father chooses a low-paying job in order to stay with his family over a bigger paycheck working abroad. His feeling of abundance comes from being with his family, not a large salary.

Abundance comes in many shapes and forms, like the following:

  • Time – Living simply can allow you more time to pursue more important things than the daily grind, more time to think and assess and search inside yourself, for what reason do I live? You can create a goal outside of your career and make plans on how to achieve it.
  • Better Relationships – Living simply takes your focus off material things – Do you really need the latest iPhone model and the newest pair of Jordan shoes? – and redirect it to the people around you: your family, you girlfriend/boyfriend, your community.
  • Authenticity – Simplicity not only means you have enough. It also means you are enough. You are comfortable being who you are and you don’t need to put on any masks.
  • Optimism and a happy disposition– Knowing you have enough, you are more inclined to have a good attitude towards everything, be it unpaid overtime or your colleague getting a raise instead of you. Negativity has no space in your life. You have a positive outlook that people around you will appreciate and, hopefully, will affect them for the better.


Being simple may be contrary to human nature’s incessant wanting and demanding, but if you try hard enough it will take root inside yourself and blossom from within.

Cheers to a simple and abundant life!

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